Tiles Of Different Colors

Different Accessories
Hovhannisyan Group
Metal and plastic accessories offered by AVESTA include several thousand assortments. It includes a wide range of hinges, handles, mechanisms, sliders for kitchen and office furniture.
The entire range goes through a special test and ensures a long-term use warranty.
Hovhannisyan Group
The world-renowned SCM Italian firm has been operating in the world of woodworking machines since 1952. “AVESTA” represents SCM as a reliable partner, providing long-term and reliable work with warranty service.
A wide assortment of machinery is intended for furniture factories, home appliance combinations, and small businesses.

Machines Technology

Large And Small Adhesives

High Quality Edgebandings

Upholstery For Soft Furnishings
Hovhannisyan Group
In the choice of posters for soft furniture, “AVESTA “LCC pays great attention to the safety of the used paints. This is the case when we give priority to the safety of family members and we have to keep them from dubious paints that are used in posters. The proposed patterns are periodically modified to meet the requirements of time and new sketches offered by designers.